Relationship with primary materials
Relationship with primary materials
The EU-UMKDP will be built on an integrated system that provides information related to both primary and secondary mineral resources with a focus on critical raw materials (CRM), in a single place.
Using advances made in EU-FP7 funded projects such as OneGeology-Europe, ProMine and EuroGeoSource, and ongoing projects like EURARE and Minerals4EU in terms of database structure, harvesting systems, web services, metadata management, and integration of non-structured information, and InGeoCloudS project in terms of cloud computing
This will contribute to implement the standards of a European geoscientific data infrastructure defined in the EU-FP7 EGDI-Scope project. The EU-UMKDP will be designed as a fully-fledged extension of the EU-MKDP currently under development and which aims to become the future European Mineral Resources data infrastructure.