About the KDP
For the EU there is a real need for a complete and reliable knowledge base on raw materials with harmonised and standardised data. This need has already led to a number of EU projects like ProMine and EuroGeoResource. EU-MKDP is building on the experience of these projects, aiming at full EU coverage and enhanced on-line functionality.
The development of the EU-MKDP system will aim to give a simplified, user-friendly and efficient access to all available and new data related to mineral resources. These data are produced by geological surveys, scientific institutes and universities including those in charge of the maritime domain, relevant industries and professional organizations. Data sources are also some European projects such as ProMine (information on both mineral deposits and anthropogenic concentrations resulting from mining and downstream activities) and EuroGeoResource (information on energy and mineral resources, extraction locations, production, reserves). Included will also be data related to raw materials supply and demand, estimations of the resource availability, refined statistical analyses and foresight studies, provided off-line by Work Packages 4 and 6.
Developing the EU-MKDP architecture will contribute to laying the foundations of an effective and lasting data management distributed system fully INSPIRE compliant, designed for welcoming various datasets related to raw materials and facilitating data updates and maintenance, and for facilitating their visualization and their use.
The development of the EU-MKDP will take into account requirements from several EU pieces of legislation, directives, initiatives and communications such as the INSPIRE directive and the Raw Material Initiative. It will also be in line with the advances and recommendations made by ongoing projects such as EGDI-Scope, InGeoClouds and Minventory.