
ProSUM Project - Market feedback

If you did not attend the ProSUM Information Network (IN) event in 2016, this is your opportunity to provide feedback! Tell us how useful the IN is for you and help us formulate  ideas about how we develop the IN and the services associated with the EU Urban Mine Knowledge Data Platform (EU-UMKDP). The information will be used to develop the Business Plans to maintain the IN and the EU-UMKDP. We’d be grateful if you could take 10 minutes to share your feedback with us. 

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Survey: Sampling and data management procedures for mixed WEEE flows

In order to better understand the sampling, sorting, and data management procedures for mixed WEEE flows within the EU. Participate in the questionnaire to make the outcome more valuable.


Survey on end-user requirements. Tell us how the platform should look! 

The ProSUM project will deliver the first Urban Mine Knowledge Data Platform, a centralised database of all available data and information on arisings, stocks, flows and treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), end-of-life vehicles (ELVs), batteries and mining wastes. We would like to get feedback from potential users. How would you like to get data from the platform? How would you like to see it presented?  etc.  Please help us understand your needs by filling out this survey.

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Survey to understand mixed WEEE sampling procedures. 

Sampling and data management procedures for mixed WEEE flows

Methodologies on sampling and sorting are neither standardised nor harmonised within the EU Members States. Sample size, sampling frequency and statistical evaluation procedures depend on, inter alia, existing collection systems, contractual commitments, or specific research questions. Please help us to better understand the sampling, sorting, and data management procedures for mixed WEEE flows within the EU by participating in our questionnaire.

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